NIGERIA FAMILY PLANNING BLUEPRINT 2020–2024 - Abuja Federal Ministry of Health June 2020 - 99p., 29.3cm, illu.

The maternal mortality ratio (MMR) in developing countries is estimated at 239 per 100 000 live births and there are 214 million women of reproductive age (WRA), especially among young people, poorest in populations or unmarried women – who want to avoid pregnancy but are not using any modern contraceptive method due to limited access to contraception. This high MMR and unmet need are compounded by a growing population, cultural or religious beliefs, and a dearth of quality right based family planning (FP) services. 1,2 Family planning (FP) is one of the most cost-effective and beneficial investments in global health. Addressing unmet need by providing FP to women who do not wish to become pregnant dramatically reduces the number of unwanted pregnancies and abortions. This in turn decreases maternal and child deaths, reduces the spread of HIV and increases women’s empowerment, all of which improves the overall health and well-being of women, children, and families.


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